Everyone has a lucky number perceived in their minds and normally that number is in a single digit, starting from 1 to 9, but none must have thought of the number beyond these single digits, especially this one 33. One would be really get surprised to know the divinity aspect of this number 33 that prevails in almost all the major religions that exists on earth today. Let’s explore the same one by one.  


The 33 divinities, divided into three classes, invoked in the songs of the Rig-Veda, reveal 33 Devi & Devta in Vedic Aryanism / Hinduism. The Rig Veda is one of the oldest written books in the world, dating from at least as early as 1700 BC that describes “the 33 divinities”, which states there are 11 Devi Devta in heaven, 11 on earth and 11 in-between.


It is believed that at the age of 33 years, Lord Krishna departed from earth.


In Persian Aryanism, there are 33 specific Yazads and Ameshaspands, each of whom are linked to the primary 33 constellations and star systems from which influence the entire universe and most especially our Milky Way galaxy in which resides our solar system.


The Zen books represents the genius solar surrounded by 33 atmospheric gods.


Lord Buddha left the desert, to go to exert his apostolate and he was followed by 33 guardian spirits to which he gave the sacred instruments that are used by the musicians in the pagodas and these 33 "Arhats" spread Buddhism.


In Tibetan Buddhism, the highest chakra, the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara), is represented by a flower with a white center and 33 downward-pointing petals.


In the Christian faith, Bible records 33 miracles performed by Lord Jesus.

King David ruled Jerusalem for 33 years.

In the English version of Genesis, “God” is mentioned 33 times.


In Numerology, 33 is a “Master Number” representing the highest spiritual achievement, sometimes called “Christ Consciousness”.


The thirty-third year of a person, it is the perfect age, that of the full development, according to Mary Agreda. It is at this age that Lord Jesus Christ departed from earth.


Edgar Cayce wrote that there were 33 incarnations of Jesus. The Vatican recognizes 33 Doctors of the Church, the last being St. Teresa of Lisieux. In the Vatican, St. Peter’s Basilica has 33 chapels.


There are 33 litanies of angels and the Basilica of Saint Peter in Rome counts 33 chapels.


Islamic prayer beads are arranged in sets of 33, corresponding to the widespread use of this number in Dhikr rituals. The Sephiroth has 33 elements, which includes the whole and all its constituent parts.


Apart from the religious perspective, let’s observe now this number under scientific one. 


The lowest temperature in Fahrenheit at which water remains a liquid is 33 degrees. This also means that, if counting upwards, the first temperature at which water, the most essential substance for all life, begins to flow is 33F.


The Animal Kingdom is divided by biologists into 33 phyla.


A “Blue Moon” is when there are two full moons in the same month. This phenomenon occurs, on average, every 33 months.


The Sun will rise at the exact same spot in the horizon every 33 years.

The 33rd day of the year is February 2nd, called as “Groundhog Day.”


The latest research reveals that there are total 33 different senses found in a human being.


Human spinal column is made up of 33 bones of vertebrae.


33 pairs of nervous groups pass through the structure of the spine.


Finally, there are 33 turns in a complete sequence of human DNA.


There could be numerous such instances that can be linked with 33, well we could managed it till here. Everyone is free to add upon.




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