Shukra is a Sanskrit word that means "clear" or "bright", in medieval mythology and Hindu astrology, the term refers to the planet Venus that influences one's creativity, imparting knowledge and wisdom. Shukra is one among the beneficial planets who can bless the natives with courage, confidence, wealth, luxuries, comforts, happiness and a highly satisfying married life. The favourable position of Shukra in the horoscope helps the individual attain all riches on the earth and emerge successful in all fronts of life.


In Hindu mythology, Shukra was the only one considered worthy of being granted the knowledge of MritaSanjivani vidya by Lord Shiva. This knowledge is supposed to bring back even dead to life. Venus is considered as Goddess of love, marriage, beauty and comforts. It is a form of Maha Lakshmi, the wife of lord Vishnu. Venus rules over the Yajurveda and the Vasant Ritu (April & May). According to western astrology Venus is known as Lucifer and Hebrews named it as Astoreth. Venus owns two signs namely Taurus & Libra and a strong Venus gives very good result in a horoscope, whereas a weak Venus planetary position can cause certain deficiencies.


Ideologies in modern western world was always opposite to the one that prevailed in the traditional eastern counterpart and a word was coined called “Black Friday”.


The day following Thanksgiving is commonly referred to as Black Friday that has become one of the busiest shopping days of the year in the United States. It is believed by many that the term Black Friday derives from the concept that businesses operate at a financial loss, or are “in the red,” until the day after Thanksgiving, when massive sales finally allow them to turn a profit, or put them “in the black.” However, this is completely untrue.


Well, there are dozens of stories behind this word Black Friday and Friday wasn’t considered an auspicious in their minds. The term Black Friday also started amongst Indian business houses and now a day most of them too are advertising their sales offers with such wrongly coined word. But the astrological facts are other way round.


In fact, amongst all the days of week, Friday could be the one of the most auspicious one to embark any of the business ventures. Venus is an indicator of spouse, love, marriage, comfort, luxury, beauty, prosperity, happiness, all conveyances, art, dance music, acting, passion, healing and the saying of mantras. Venus Planet is mainly associated with family life, taste and business / livelihood. The benevolent influence of Venus favours accumulation of wealth, jewellery, landed properties, happy home life, success in business and occupations.





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