PARAM BRAHMA taking the charge

Every year from mid of December to mid of January, it is marked as a period of “KAMURTA”, which means all the auspicious occasions are not undertaken during this one month period. There is a scientific, as well as spiritual explanation behind this scenario, which is exclusively based on mighty sun’s positioning, which gets a huge 23 degree jolt to South East during this period.

Most people know that the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west; however most people don't realize that it’s just a generalization. Actually, the Sun only rises due east and sets due west on 2 days of the year and that is the spring and fall equinoxes. On other days, the Sun rises either north or south of due east and sets north or south of due west.

December is the month of Winter Solstice, the Sun rise at the western end of the smallest track and it wouldn't rise high in the sky, and would be up for only about 6 hours, making days short on daylight and with extreme cold weather.

During the short winter days, Sun doesn’t rise exactly in the east, but instead rises just south of east and it sets south of west. In the winter, days are short and Sun is low in the sky. The image shows the Sun's path through the sky on the shortest day of the year, the winter solstice. This is the day when the Sun is the lowest in the southern sky.

This is the period of extreme weathers and the control is taken over by Dae Daadaar / Param Brhama (Almighty) himself, that’s the reason the month name in is DAE DAADAAR, which we call Ahura Mazda in Vandidad scriptures and ParamBrhama in Vedic scriptures.

For the sake of clarity, one should not perceive the word Ahura Mazda with Hormazd and similarly one should not perceive the word Param Brahma with Brahma, as both these identities are completely separate and different from each other, with former being the ultimate, who created the later.  

As we all know, SHRISTI / earth is the minutest particle of Sun that got separated, thousands of years back and SHRISTI can exist only if its backed by the mighty sun. The impact of sun on SHRISTI during this period from mid of December to mid of January is lowest and that’s the reason is not considered auspicious, with the period termed as “Kamurta”. Arrival of Spring in March (Equinox) leads to celebrations of New Year / Vasant Panchmi and the series of festivities follow thereafter.

Courtsey: Worship Cosmetics


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