Almighty sends the designated saviours in due course of time and one will be surprised to observe that their arrivals are either linked with SOLTICES (the longest and shortest days of the year), or with the EQUINOXES (when the day and night are equally long), though the current dates gets little deviated by couple of days falling in that bracket, due to calendar differences.

Prima Facie there are around 4200 religions prevailing on earth today, which can be broadly classified into 5 main primary religious pillars and all the remaining are either sects or sub-sects of the primary. Any Prophet / Saviour who have arrived on this earth, from any of these 5 main primary religions have embarked their journey only during the period of either Solstice or an Equinox.

Almighty remains the sole power, followed by its team of 33 core members that take charge of their designated portfolios, supported by the advent of Saviours / Preachers / Prophets at occasional intervals to maintain the equilibrium on earth, which is just one small part of the entire creations in universe. Regardless of whether it’s a solstice or an equinox, there’s bound to be a celebration happening somewhere, on some part of the world.

Wishing everyone Merry Christmas on the winter solstice, when the Northern Hemisphere tilts the farthest away from the Sun.



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