One will be surprised to note that Trees are considered pious in all the religions across the globe and not just in Hinduism / Aryanism.


So, when one observes a Bharatiya Aryan offering a prayer to a tree, rather than getting surprised, one should figure out why. In every form / protocol of worship that has been prevailing on this earth, across all the religions, it’s ultimately thanking to the almighty for its beautiful creations.


Some of the religious scholars have gone to an extent saying that while touching a plant, one can have a feel of reaction from that plant, expressing pampered love or the pain that it may get cut / destroyed.


In Bharatiya Aryanism, if one is required to cut the tree, he would first ask for forgiveness from the tree and would light a lamp “Divo” in front of that tree, before initiating the cutting process, as one is killing a living being that can reproduce.


Just like in Islam there is a protocol of HALAL whereby forgiveness is seeked for killing the animal, on similar lines, in Aryanism forgiveness is seeked for cutting the tree. In short, one is killing its “Vansh”, as it will never reproduce, so forgiveness is sought from the Almighty.


Scientifically too, trees are only GIVERS TO MANKIND and they just expect love and caring in return. Its roots hold the soil and prevent its erosion, it provides fruits, cereals & flowers, it provides free oxygen and natural shade for 24/7, it brings rain and cools the surrounding environment.


Trees have their roots in the ground and their trunk and branches extended towards the sky. This concept is found in many of the world's religions as a tree which links the underworld and the earth and holds up the heavens.


In Bharatiya Aryanism, “Kalpavriksha” the tree of life, also meaning "World Tree" finds mention in the Vedic scriptures. In continuation of my earlier article on Samundra Manthan, " Kalpavriksha” emerged from the primal waters during the ocean churning process along with Kamadhenu, the divine cow that bestows all needs.


The tree is also said to be the Milky way or the birthplace of the stars Sirius, which is much bigger and brighter than Sun. During the cyclic destruction of creation when the whole earth was enveloped by waters, akshaya vata remained unaffected. It is on the leaves of this tree that Lord Krishna rested in the form of a baby when land was no longer visible. And it is here that the immortal sage, Markandeya, received the cosmic vision of the Lord. It is under this tree that Buddha meditates eternally.


In Persian Aryanism, the world’s second oldest tree is Sarv-e Abarkuh, located in Abarkouh city of Yazd province in Iran. This Iranian natural heritage and tourist attraction stands 25-28 meters high and has a width of 11.5 meters. Russian scientist Alexander Rouf has estimated its age as over 4,000 years old and could be the oldest tree in Asia. Some legends attribute its origin to Zoroaster himself, who may have planted it. In Persian Aryanism, the mighty Gaokerena was a mythic Haoma plant that had healing properties when eaten and gave immortality. Haoma is the Avestan form of the Sanskrit soma.


To the Ancient Egyptians, the Tree of Life represented the hierarchical chain of events that brought everything into existence. The spheres of the Tree of Life demonstrate the order, process, and method of creation.


Etz Chaim, Hebrew for "tree of life," is a common term used in Judaism. Jewish mysticism depicts the Tree of Life in the form of ten interconnected nodes, as the central symbol of the Kabbalah. It comprises the ten Sephirot powers in the Divine realm.


In Catholic Christianity, the Tree of Life represents the immaculate state of humanity, free from corruption and Sin. Pope Benedict XVI has said that "the Cross is the true tree of life." Saint Bonaventure taught that the medicinal fruit of the Tree of Life is Christ himself. Saint Albert the Great taught that the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ, is the Fruit of the Tree of Life.


In Islam, the "Tree of Immortality" is the tree of life motif as it appears in the Quran. It is also alluded to in Hadiths and Tafsir. The Quran mentions one tree in Eden, also called the tree of immortality, which the Almighty specifically forbade to Adam and Eve.


As mentioned in my earlier article on ARGHIYA, while offering water to Sun in a correct protocol, one completes the worship of the Almighty in its entirety, whereby all the 5 elements “PANCH TATVA” gets worshiped in a single process. These elements include water, earth, air, fire (Sun), sky and if that water is poured on a plant, than vegetation too.




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