“Sankranti” means transition (transfer) and on Makar Sankranti, the mighty Surya / Sun transits into Capricon sign / Makar raashi, whereby it moves northwards and that’s why it’s also called at UttarRayan, which literally means “northern movement” (Uttar means North and Rayan means movement).


In the famous MahaBharata epic, there was one mighty personality named Bhishma (Pitamaah), who can’t be defeated by anyone from either side, as he possessed the war skills that defeated the master of war talent Parshurama in his younger days and who had the boon of death wish of his own choice (Iccha-Mrutyu). So, only option for his opponents was to defeat / kill him through a deceit, resulting into dozens of arrows getting pierced in his body under a political stunt.


After getting pierced with dozens of arrows, being a person blessed with a boon of Iccha-Mrutyu, Bhishma Pitamaah had all the choice to leave the soul from body and get relieved from the physical pain, but he opted to wait till Makar Sankranti, because ParamBrahma / Dae Daadaar/ Almighty was in charge on earth during Kamurta period, so nobody was there to escort him to Garothmaan Behest / Moksha.


On the day of Makar Sankranti, the change of Sun position to Makar raashi / Capricon sign, brings end to the month of Kamurta and the change of guard is undertaken by ParamBrahma / Dae Daadaar / Almighty, passing on to Vohuman Ameshashpand / Aryaman Deva, the protector of animal kingdom and that’s the reason holy cows are specially fed during this day and for the entire month across pan Bharata.


On Makar Sankranti the Sun God is worshipped, with social festivities such as melas (fairs), dances, kite flying, bonfires and feasts. Every twelve years, the Aryans observe Makar Sankranti with Kumbha Mela, which is considered as one of the world's largest mass pilgrimages, with an estimated 100 million people attending the event, offering their prayers to the sun and taking bath at the Prayaga confluence of the River Ganga and River Yamuna.


As Suryapur (Surat) city is blessed with Suryaputri (Tapti), there can’t be a better alternative than taking bath in the most beautiful river across the world on this specific day. 


A shared cultural practices found amongst Aryans of various parts of Bharata is making sticky bounded sweets (Laddus) particularly from sesame (til) and jiggery gud / gur,  symbolising the celebration of togetherness in peace and joyfulness, despite the uniqueness and differences between individuals.


This festival is not just celebrated in Bharata, but across far-east Asia, with different names therein.


Magh Bihu in Assam

Maghi in Punjab

Maghi Saaji in Himachal Pradesh

Maghi Sangrand or Uttarayana in Jammu

Sakraat in Haryana

Sukarat in central India,

Pongal in Tamil Nadu & Sri Lanka,

Uttarayan in Gujarat & Uttar Pradesh,

Ghughuti in Uttarakhand

Makara Sankranti in Odisha, Karnataka, Maharashtra & Goa

Khichidi Sankranti in Uttarakhand & Uttar Pradesh

Sankranthi in Andhra Pradesh & Telangana

Shishur Saenkraath in Kashmir


Mohan Songkran in Cambodia

Poush Sankranti in West Bengal & Bangladesh

Maghe Sankranti in Nepal,

Songkran in Thailand, Malaysia & Singapore

Tirmoori in Pakistan (Sindh)

Thingyan in Myanmar,


Well, earlier BharatVarsh spreaded its wings across all these countries, so festivities are bound to be at par with us. It’s a special combo day of worship & fun together, with series of celebrations lined up all the day along.












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