PALASH (Kesudo)

“The Sacred flame of forest”


The first sloka of the Sukla Yajurveda speaks about the Palasa tree and in Sanskrit, the flower is extensively used as a symbol for the arrival of spring and the colour of love.

Palash is the holy fire (Agni) flower and is only found in BharatVarsh territory, ranging across Pakistan, Bharat, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia. This flower is not found in any parts across the world, except in BharatVarsh region and initially originated in Doaba region located between holy Ganga & Yamuna rivers. 


Palash naturally moisturizes skin, as it has innate content of the smoothening or emollient Vitamin E, that also has antioxidant properties. The extract from the leaves and flowers, when applied on sunburns and rashes, pacifies the aggravated and dried up regions of the skin, leaving it soft and completely moisturized.


The residue derived from Palash leaves has astringent traits that combat skin infections. This helps in neutralizing the highly enflamed spots on skin. It also efficiently reduces any boils, pus or carbuncles on the areas of the skin affected by allergies, fungal infections, environmental pollutants and sun rays.


Bestowed with umpteen medicinal traits and therapeutic bioactive components, Palash flowers, as well as the roots, leaves, seeds, fruits are a panacea to heal myriad health anomalies, such as treating stomach infections, alleviating diabetes symptoms and easing bowel movements.


Palash is a powerful medicinal plant, having anthelmintic, anti-diabetic, anti-stress, hepatoprotective, antifungal, astringent, aphrodisiac, laxative, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities.


Palash has a multitude of phytonutrients which provide nourishment and vigour to the hair strands. Moreover, when applied as a gel of leaf or flower paste, it penetrates deep into the layers of the scalp and protects follicles, thereby maintaining the thickness and stability of hair. Palash is an ideal natural option if you are looking to gain long and strong hair. Palash has potent chemicals that can reduce the intensity of flakiness and dandruff on the scalp of hair. It can also shelter the roots of the hair strands, known as follicles, from the dirt and fungus particles that trigger dandruff.


Palash has been mentioned in the ancient Ayurvedic manuscripts authored by Sushruta, Charaka as a rather powerful and important herb with medicinal, as well as religious and spiritual significance. In ancient times, when the shishyas / students offered fruits to their Gurus / teachers to seek their blessings, they also placed Palash twigs as it was considered as auspicious sign.


In Hindu festivals, when praying to the Almighty, Palash flowers are used in the pooja ceremonies as a holy offering to invoke the blessings of God for good   health, fortune and prosperity of all in the family. Palash is indeed a multifaceted herb, not only featuring prominently in holy rituals but also comprising myriad useful components in its plant parts of flowers, fruits, seeds, for promoting health and wellbeing.


The Palash flowers and leaves are diuretic, aphrodisiac, astringent and increase the flow of blood. The seeds of the tree have purgative, diuretic to stimulate the production of urine and anthelmintic i.e. anti-parasitic properties. The seed powder is used in the case of intestinal parasites. Palash tree bark yields a gum which is known as kino, that houses astringent properties to treat haemorrhoids. Palash leaf juice supports the routine tasks of kidneys and bladder.


The phytonutrients or plant compounds in Palash have an inherent temperature reducing potential. The leaves, when rubbed on a person suffering from high fever, provides immediate relief, reducing body temperature and symptoms of fatigue. Moreover, since normal metabolism is affected during fevers, palash leaves also expel excess water and salts from the body, in order to help maintain ideal electrolyte balance.


Palash has an intrinsic expectorant quality, which implies that it can readily loosen any excess phlegm or mucus secretions and remove them from the respiratory tract. This immensely benefits lung function and also prevents any allergies and breathing difficulties.


The leaves of palash contain substances called cucurbitacins, which play the crucial role of boosting the defense system and liver function in the body. In addition, palash leaves also contain remarkable amounts of Vitamin C, which adds to the defense function and antioxidant capacity in those suffering from jaundice.


Palash extract is considered as one of the best remedies for cardiac ailments such as palpitations, irregular heartbeats, chest pain, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. In traditional Bharatiya medicine, a dose of two cups of Palash extract is given to those suffering from heart problems, to promote blood circulation and ameliorate the difficulties in performing normal day to day activities.


Being an effective anti-inflammatory, palash juice actually reduces bone and muscle pain and heals joint disorders such as arthritis, osteoporosis, gout and fractures. In addition, it is packed with the three essential bone-fortifying minerals namely calcium, magnesium and phosphorous, which in turn increases bone mass and helps regain flexible movement in muscles and joints.


Being a powerhouse of vitamin C and a host of flavonoids and carotenes, Palash is a potent agent to boost immune system function in situations of illnesses. Since function of organs is below the optimum during disease, consuming Palash decoction instills vitamin C to blood cells, which is subsequently transported to other organs to recover their peak functioning levels. It also helps to recuperate from tiredness.


Palash is profuse in iodine content, which is vital to reduce elevated thyroid hormone levels, as well as zinc, which plays a central role in facilitating enzyme function for optimizing thyroid concentrations.


The list of medicinal benefits of Palash is too long, as it’s a medical world within its own self. Enjoy the nature’s gift at its best, going the herbal route.




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