
Showing posts from February, 2022


  LORD SHIVA   In Bhartiya Aryanism, PARAMBRAHAMA is the Supreme Ultimate Truth, the absolute Lord of all and param dharma, the Supreme Ultimate Absolute Abode of all. The most holy, the most sacred, the most exalted the pinnacle of attainment.   He is resplendent, self-effulgent, eternal and everlasting. Without a beginning and never ending, omniscient, omnipotent and all pervading. The primeval Lord of all lords, the primordial God of all gods, the source of every and any and all conceivable divinity.   PARAMBRAHMA is both formless and with form (dve vāva brahmaṇo rūpe, mūrtaṃ caivāmūrtaṃ ca [Brh. Up. - 2.3.1]).   Because we are endowed with form, we generally attribute the above three activities of creation, preservation and desolation to three different forms of the same supreme PARAMBRAHMA, known as:   BRAHMA the creator. VISHNU the preserver. MAHESH / SHIVA the protector.   Maha Shivratri's is celebrated across pan India, with several occasions bui

Lessons to Learn

  L2L from KALYUG   Lessons to Learn from the current on-going Ukraine crisis.   Ukraine sets a perfect benchmark example and that too at a very perfect time for Bharata, as we navigate through turbulent times of Kalyug.   ·         You have to survive on your own; nobody will share the load, unless their own interests are on stake.   ·         Your friends / allies will talk / shout for you, but will never fight for you, especially when they find your enemy much bigger in size.   ·         Atmanirbhar / self-sufficiency is the only mantra of existence today, any type of dependency will lead to extinction.   ·         You have to create your own muscle power to fight; keeping bodyguards may back fire, especially when the enemy is big in size.   ·         You need to master the art of sustaining the balancing equilibrium, to ensure that you don’t end up creating more enemies, even though you are no way involved in the entire episode.   ·         Size does


  GLYCERINE Glycerol also called glycerine is a colourless, odourless, viscous liquid that is sweet-tasting and non-toxic. The glycerol backbone is found in lipids known as glycerides. Due to having antimicrobial and antiviral properties it is widely used in FDA approved wound and burn treatments. Owing to the presence of three hydroxyl groups, glycerol is miscible with water and is hygroscopic in nature.   Glycerine is great for the skin because it acts as a humectant, which is a substance that allows the skin to retain moisture. It can increase skin hydration, relieve dryness, and refresh the skin's surface. Glycerine also has antimicrobial properties, which means it can protect the skin from harmful microorganisms.   Glycerine is used as a moisturizer to treat or prevent dry, rough, scaly, itchy skin and minor skin irritations; such as diaper rash and skin burns from radiation therapy. Emollients are substances that soften & moisturize the skin, decreases itching


  ROOSTER   Hearing a sound of a Rooster in early morning is like hearing the voice of Almighty itself.   Since antiquity the rooster has been and still is a sacred animal in most cultures and deeply embedded within various religious belief systems and religious worship.   According to Feng Shui, the Rooster is a symbol of good luck and prosperity. The powerful symbol of Rooster is also known to boost career fortune, help raise authority, and attract love and happiness.   Some Hindu Temples are dedicated exclusively to Roosters, whereby people donate / gift Roosters to these temples, as they are considered as the most pious and sacred birds. In Hindu mythology, the rooster is depicted as the “vahana” (vehicle) of the goddess Aditi / Bahuchara Mata, the mother of all gods, the creator and guardian of all life.   People may eat chicken, but one will hardly find someone eating a Rooster.   Even the Christians and Buddhists in Far east countries like Indonesia, Viet




  Vasant  meaning “spring” and  Panchami  meaning “fifth” is a festival that falls on the fifth day of the Hindu lunar month of  Magha , marking the beginning of winter’s end and the coming of spring. Being the king of all seasons across the globe, spring not only brings warm relief from the cold weather, but it is also the time when the mustard crop blooms yellow flowers, a colour that symbolizes knowledge, light, energy, prosperity, and peace. It is thus considered an auspicious time to begin new ventures, like buying a house, or starting a job, or getting married.   Vasant Panchami is also celebrated as the birthday of the Goddess Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge, wisdom, learning, arts and commemorates the time she is said to have blessed the great Sanskrit poet Kalidasa, who is believed to have lived sometime during the 4th-5th century CE.   According to legend, there was an extraordinarily intelligent princess named Vidyottama who had defeated many prominent scholars