Lessons to Learn




Lessons to Learn from the current on-going Ukraine crisis.


Ukraine sets a perfect benchmark example and that too at a very perfect time for Bharata, as we navigate through turbulent times of Kalyug.


·        You have to survive on your own; nobody will share the load, unless their own interests are on stake.


·        Your friends / allies will talk / shout for you, but will never fight for you, especially when they find your enemy much bigger in size.


·        Atmanirbhar / self-sufficiency is the only mantra of existence today, any type of dependency will lead to extinction.


·        You have to create your own muscle power to fight; keeping bodyguards may back fire, especially when the enemy is big in size.


·        You need to master the art of sustaining the balancing equilibrium, to ensure that you don’t end up creating more enemies, even though you are no way involved in the entire episode.


·        Size does matter, especially while taking sides, so make yourself of such stature where you don’t need to depend on others.  


·        Do not fall prey to fake appearances, words cannot substitute for the hard work of bolstering deterrence and resilience.


·        Your secrets should belong only to you, don’t open up / throw away your cards till the need arise.


·        Having a single committed friend who will stand by you in all times, is far better bet than to have multiple friends with no responsibility / accountability.




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