Happy Holi




Mighty king Hiranyakashipu, who worshipped the ParamBrahma at its extremes, earned a boon that gave him five special powers of immortality whereby he couldn’t be killed;


·        Neither by a human being, nor an animal,

·        Neither indoors, nor outdoors,

·        Neither at day, nor at night,

·        Neither by astra (projectile weapons), nor by any shastra (handheld weapons),

·        Neither on land, nor in water, nor in air.


This made Hiranyakashipu arrogant, as he started projecting himself as God, and demanded that everyone should worship only him. But, his own son, Prahlad however, disagreed on this, as he remained devoted to Lord Vishnu, which infuriated Hiranyakashipu to an extent of delivering cruel punishments, none of which affected the young boy.


Finally, Prahlad's evil aunt named Holika, tricked him into sitting on a pyre with her, whereby Holika was wearing a cloak that made her immune to injury from fire, while Prahlad was not. As the fire roared, the cloak flew from Holika and encased Prahlad, who survived while Holika got burned.


To encounter the 5 special powers of immortality boon on Hiranyakashipu, Lord Vishnu appeared as an avatar of NARASIMHA;


·        Half human & half lion,

·        At dusk, when it was neither day, nor night,

·        Took Hiranyakashyapu at a doorstep; which was neither indoors, nor outdoors,

·        Placed him on his lap, which was neither land, nor water, nor air,

·        Then killed the king with his lion claws, which were neither a handheld weapon nor a launched weapon.


The Holika bonfire & Holi signifies the celebration of the symbolic victory of good over evil & signifying arrogance leading to destruction.


Wishing all our BHARATIYA brethren HAPPY HOLI filled with numerous colours of joy and happiness.


Courtesy: worshipcosmetic.com




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