Happy Birthday SUN

Especially when our city SURAT stands on the 4 fundamental pillars of Sun:


1)      Surya in the sky,

2)      Suryaputri river Tapti flowing around.

3)      Suryapur (Surat) the holy land.

4)      Suryavanshi the people who worship the Sun God.


Navroz is the day of the vernal equinox, and marks the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Navroz is the Persian New Year celebrated worldwide, for over 3,000 years in Western Asia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Black Sea Basin, and the Balkans.


It marks the first day (Hormazd) of the first month (Farvardin) of the Persian calendar, when the sun enters Aries before noon. Every year, on March 21 of the Persian solar calendar, the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator and equalizes night and day, Navroz celebrations begin, as the day of spring equinox.


Rice & wheat grains are heaped up around a water vessel 10 days ahead of the Navroz festival, with water sprinkled everyday thereupon.


Rice holds great spiritual and ritual significance in all the religious ceremonies, because of its basic life-sustaining attributes and as a potent symbol of sustenance, auspiciousness, growth, energy, prosperity and fertility, whereas wheat symbolises fertility, bounty and resurrection. 


By the time of first day of Gaathaa, white sprout shrubs get emanated from the wheat grains, which gets converted to green shoots by the time of Navroz and by the time of Khordadsaal, these green shoots attain its healthy tall length, symbolising the evolution of life.


It’s a combination of 2 simple terms Nav (New) and Roz (Day).


Wishing everyone HAPPY NAVROZ








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