Amongst 33 CORE Devis & Devtas / Yazads & Ameshashpands, 7 are Adityas / Ameshashpands & 7 are Devis / Banoo Yazads & Ameshpands, which include the following:


1)   Asfandard / Bhoomi / Earth

2)   Khordaad / Gayatri / Perfection

3)   Amardaad / Amrita/ Immortal

4)   AvaArdavisoor / Sarita / River

5)   Din / Saraswati / Knowledge

6)   Ashishwangh / Laxmi / Wealth

7)   Aastaad / Durga / Justice


As one can see the ratio, amongst 33 Devi-Devta / Yazad-Ameshashpand, there are 1:4 count of female : male, which clearly indicates that females can perform far better than its male counterparts. Even in animal & birds, one will find female animals / birds being more active, aggressive and hardworking than its male counterpart.


Research studies have shown that pretty much at every age, women seem to survive better than men. Women live longer than men, whereby they outlive men by around five or six years, describing them as being more “robust”.


According to a tally maintained by the Global Gerontology Research Group, today 43 people around the world are known to be living above the age of 110 years and amongst these super centenarians, 42 are women.


The labor pain that a women undergo while delivering a child, the dual role of running the house (kitchen, laundry, kids, etc.) along with working at office, one can’t even imagine the performance par excellence therein.


Cardiovascular disease occurs much earlier in men than women and same is the case with onset of hypertension [high blood pressure] which occurs much earlier in men than women, well women have resistance to almost all the major causes of death. If one look across all the different types of infections, women have a more robust immune response too.


If it’s about the duration of the infection, women will respond faster and one explanation for this is hormones. Higher levels of estrogen and progesterone protects women in some way, not only by making their immune systems stronger, but also more flexible. This helps maintain a healthy pregnancy, because a woman’s immune system is more active in the second half of her menstrual cycle, when she’s able to conceive.


The researchers found that, in all the populations, women had lower mortality across almost all ages, and women lived longer on average than men. Even under extreme conditions such as famines, epidemics and enslavement, women are able to survive for longer than men.


The study noted that gender differences in infant mortality contributed the most to the gender gap in life expectancy, indicating that newborn girls were able to survive extreme mortality hazards better than newborn boys.


The hypothesis that the survival advantage of women has fundamental biological underpinnings is supported by the fact that under very harsh conditions females survives better than males, even at infant ages when behavioral and social differences may be minimal or favoring males.


Wishing each and every strong, beautiful, caring, intelligent, skilled, ambitious, hardworking, brave, talented & devoted women A VERY HAPPY WOMEN’S DAY.







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