The captioned word has been coined across the world for one or the other reason, but the interesting fact to note is that the term “HINDU” is neither the native Bharatiya word, nor the Sanskrit word and is not even found in any of the Vedic literatures.


Bharata happens to be situated on the other side of the Indus River which is now in Pakistan which is spelled Indus and in Sanskrit it is called Sindhu. Rather the word “Hindu” was developed by outsiders, invaders who could not pronounce the name of the Sindhu River properly. The word Sindhu was misspelled by the Europeans as Indus, and from Indus the word ‘Indian’ has come and on similar lines, the Arabs used to pronounce Sindhus as Hindus.


Historians say that it was Alexander the Great who first renamed the River Sindhu as the Indu, dropping the beginning “S”, thus making it easier for the Greeks to pronounce. This became known as the Indus. This was when Alexander invaded India around 325 B.C.


Later, when the Muslim invaders arrived, they called the Sindhu River the Hindu River, thereafter the name “Hindu” was used to describe the inhabitants from that tract of land in the northwestern provinces of India where the Sindhu River is located, and the region itself was called “Hindustan”, which is the common suffix applied by Muslims worldwide, for example Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and so on.


Before this, the Vedic name for the area was BHARATH VARSHA, the only land on earth where several / multiple AVTARS of Almighty have taken birth, which nowhere on earth had ever happened, as it’s truly a blessed soil.


The natives of Bharat Varsha were known as the Vedic Aryans, who migrated from the north part of the globe, described as ARYAVARTA in the historian books, including the famous one written by Shri Bal Gangadhar Tilak. These Vedic Aryans followed the SANATANA DHARAMA, prescribed in the Vedas, where fire worship was prominent among other forces of nature, such as Varun (water), Vayu (wind), Surya (sun), etc.


On similar lines, the Persian Lineage of Aryans migrated from the same north part of the globe, described as ARYAVAEJA and they followed the MAZDAYASNI practices, prescribed in the Vandidad, where once again fire worship was prominent among other forces of nature, such as Ava (water), Govad Yazad (wind) Khurshed Yazad (Surya), etc.


As a religion, Islam was formalized around 622 AD and the Arabs conquering over Persian empires in 642-44 AD destroyed the age-old Persian civilization in terms of philosophy, culture, type of worship, etc. Within 100 years of the Arabic conquest, the Persian Aryans were overwhelmingly converted to Islam and those who resisted, faced the largest genocide that ever existed in human history.


The Vedic spiritual path is more precisely called SANATANA-DHARMA, which means the eternal, unchanging occupation of the soul, in its relation to the Almighty Supreme Being. Following the principles of Sanatana-dharma can bring us to the pure state of regaining our forgotten spiritual identity and relationship with God. This is the goal of Vedic knowledge and its system of self-realization. Direct knowledge of the soul is a “universal spiritual truth” which can be applied by all people, in any part of the world, in any time in history, and in any religion. It is eternal. Knowledge of the soul is the essence of Vedic wisdom and is more than what the name “Hindu” implies, especially after understanding from where the name comes from.


Even if the time arrives in this deteriorating age of KALIYUGA after many millennia when Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and even Hinduism (as we call it today) may disappear from the face of the earth, there will still be the Vedic / Vandidad teachings of Aryanism that will remain as a spiritual and universal truth, even if such truths may be forgotten and must be re-established again and again, in this world by the arrival of the ultimate savior.





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