1st JULY

1st JULY
TIRANGAAN - Festivity of Rain Gods - Saavan-Bhado.

Fasal Tishtar Tir Maah & Tishtar Tir Roj.
The most powerful day exclusively dedicated to RAINS.

As per the Bharatiya Aryanism (Hindu) calendar, we have months of Shravana & Bhadrapada, or what we call it as Saawan & Bhado that are exclusively dedicated to Rain Gods.
We observe & enjoy rains during these months, not only in Bharata, but in entire Asia & Eurasia, whereby the most powerful day dedicated to Rains, fall on 1st of July, when its Tishtar Tir Maah & Tishtar Tir Roj, which is celebrated as TIRGAAN.
Called as Tir in Persian, Tishtar in Pahalvi and Tishtrya in Avestan languages, is the Yazad presiding over the Star Sirius, brightest star in the sky. Tishtar Tir Yazad is especially invoked upon to enhance harvest and bring rainfall to counter drought. The summer festival is devoted to Tir, the Yazata of the rains and fertility, whereby people splash each other with water.
Tirgan is also associated with the legend of the arrow (TIR), which is briefly explained in the Tishtar Tir Yasht, citing the history of the Early Kings of Persia and Eruchsha / Arash the great archer.
The first fragmentation that ever occurred in the entite mankind history, during the Mazdaysni Aryanism Din, was in the era of Shah Faredoon, when Persia was devided into Iran and Turan, when Shah Faredoon distributed Persia amongst his sons. This divison of Persia caused the greatest havoc of all times and the great epic of ShahNameh (Replica of Mahabharata) is the tale to embark upon thereafter.
When the wicked Afrasiyab of Turan, ruled over the country of Iran, it did not rain for continuous 8 years. Afrasiyab, the Tur, asked the wise and the astrologers, why it was not raining, they informed him that as you had turned faithless. They said, Shah Faridoun had allotted to you only Turkestan and not Iran, you turned away from that covenant and set it aside. It is for this reason that, owing to this sin of yours, it does not rain.
Afrasiyab asked how this could be ascertained and thus the famous peace treaty between Iran and Turan came into existence, whereby an arrow was to be shot in the air and where the arrow falls, will decide the boundaries of 2 countries. Afrasiyab accepted it and entered into a treaty, on the day Tir of the month Tir.
An angel Amesha Spenta Armaiti, instructs Manuchehr to construct a special bow and arrow, and it was stipulated that Arash / Eruchshah (the famous Iranian Archer) should ascend Mount Damavand, and from there discharge an arrow towards the east (Suryodaya). The place in which the arrow fall, should form the boundary between the two kingdoms; namely Iran & Turan. Arash thereupon ascended the mountain, and discharged towards the east an arrow, the flight of which continued from the dawn of day until noon, when it fell on the banks of the river Jeyhun, also termed as Amu Darya / Oxus in latin.
Afrasiyab left Iran with his army and settled in the country of Turan, followed by the heavy rains down pour that assented to institute a festival in the country of Iran, in the name of TIRANGAAN.
Teshta Tir Rayomand Khorehmand Behraesaad.




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