Humans consider YAMA as God of Death, it's portrayed with an ugly looks, with horns on his heads and riding a buffalo.
Infact and on the contrary, it's the most beautiful & spiritual Angel that safeguards the soul and carries it along to its real destination.
In Persian Aryanism it's called as SAROSH YAZAD, the ultimate soul protector and it's given the highest level of respect, as it undertakes all the hand handling and care of pious soul from attacks of evil powers, once the soul leaves the rented body.
Amongst the 33 CORE Devi- Devta / Yazads-Ameshashpands, Sarosh Yazad is the only one, having 2 separate dedicated Yashts. So, one can perceive the level of importance given to Sarosh Yazad / guardian of soul.
Even the most well known human figure is not called by his name when he / she is dead. People say bring the BODY here, bath the BODY and so on.
So, our real identity is our SOUL and not our body and YAMA / SAROSH is its ultimate protector from getting it attacked by evil powers, during its final journey.
So, it's the most beautiful and most powerful ANGEL created by ALMIGHTY to protect the real life, which lies in one's SOUL.
Courtesy: worshipcosmetic.com


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